The Journal

The ATLA Journal is a collaborative publication compiled from a host of goodwill and genuine friendships with the contributors who are all part of our community.

The A in ATLA - well, one of them - stands for (A)lternative

(A)lternative — alternative to what? To unhappiness, to un-loveness, to unwanted distraction, to not being heard, to no-alternatives, to quick answers, to sound-bites, to survival of the fittest, to wellness, to diet pills, to ‘instant’ anything, to small print, to spin, to othering, to “the canon”, to hippy wigs in Woolworths, to bad food, to backache, to Genesis 1:26–28, to wastefulness, to GDP, to well-tended lawns and many other things we’ve missed out.

Wherever incompleteness and inadequacy emerge, we start with a questioning of our collective understandings and from there begin to re-work, create, learn and collaborate. We welcome anyone with a desire to build from here to elsewhere.

What we have must be constantly and relentlessly challenged, and where appropriate, replaced with alternatives that are better.

ATLA Journal #1

The standing call for submissions is not only for written articles, but then again, it can be if you want.

The ATLA Journal is a place for expression that has no parameters. As long as it’s interesting, alternative, exploratory or uncovers new discoveries, we’re here for it. The call out is as broad or as narrow as you want it to be, and is open to unfinished thoughts.

If you’ve spent more time than you’d care to admit on thinking about something and you feel like it’s worth sharing, to stimulate debate, inspiration and thought in others then we want to hear from you.

For our fellow academics; we’re not just focused on the usual superficial bullshit of what referencing style and sections have you used… we don’t even care if it’s written. Pictures, playful meanderings, photos and poems are all welcome. Submissions should be the equivalent of two to five pages.

Knowledge is for sharing. By submitting to us you agree to allow us to share your knowledge/work in our publication, but you are free to share any version of your knowledge. If you share post publication we only ask for an acknowledgement that we once worked together on the piece.

Digital Journal
72 page pdf of the original journal
Delivered straight to your inbox
Less than a bedding plant from your local garden centre
Big hug next time we see you
Printed Journal
+ £2.99 delivery
72 page full-colour printed copy
Supporting the work of ATLA community members
Big hug next time we see you